Tuesday, June 28, 2011

favorite "trashy" dish

my friend and i were talking about "trashy" or "junky" types of food that you just love.

a favorite among my family is baked french fries (baked fries? yeah, sounds duh.) covered with pasta sauce and soy Parmesan cheese. so basic. but, soooo good.
his is greasy fries with hollandaise sauce. never thought to try it. i do make the sauce with almond milk.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

blogger problem

is anyone else not able to post comments on other blogger sites?  i tried on 2 that i follow over the past few days. says i need to sign in, then takes me back to my dashboard. annoying definitely.
and, i know, if you can post to this entry, it's a no. hee!