Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Starbucks refreshers

These are good. Wasn't sure at first. But, if it's ice cold. Also, tried the raspberry pomegranate. Not my thing.


  1. My daughter drank the new Orange Melon Refresher and within 10 minutes, she was at
    Med 7 Urgent care with a swollen face, hands, difficulty breathing, and hives all over her body. She hadn't had an allergy reaction like that since she was 8. (now 25) She's had the Raspberry/Pomegranate drink, with no reaction, but this time it was really bad. She drinks Red Bull and Go Girl with no problem. We might think it was the ginseng root.

    1. It must be. I tried the orange. Something didn't feel right.

  2. I have the same problem! https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/46265_482357631798478_596908664_n.jpg

    That is my hand after I drank a Raspberry-Pomegranate Refresher! These blisters come up almost immediately after I drink one can and they go away after about a couple of hours. The other two flavors do not give me this reaction... That's weird!!!

  3. My lips have turned blue / black at first I have been trying to figure out why. Then today I had a Starbucks refresher drink and it irritated my lips even more. My doctor said I had an allergic reaction to something and it had gotten bad. That's because I was still drinking not knowing that's what it was until I did the process of elimination after not drinking for a week. Back to red bull I go!!!!

    1. amazed after hearing so many stories. i only drink the strawberry. the orange made me feel off.
